6-9/12/2011 Free course for Phd in rehabilitation research / Copenhagen / Denmark
Dear Colleagues,
After a pause in 2010, my university will again finance a PhD course in Rehabilitation Research for Danish and European PhD students with rehab projects, to be held in downtown Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 6 - 9, 2011. Like in 2008-09, I am happy to annouce that I will co-organize the course with professor Thierry Lejuene, Pôle COSY- Institut of Neuroscience (IoNS) Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium and his colleagues.
See the enclosed program! The course is organized around the ICF concept and focuses on outcome measurements and their analysis. It is free of charge including meals but accomodation in Copenhagen and travel has to be paid.
Please send the information on to your young coworkers and encourage them to apply! They will also have an opportunity to discuss their own work with the teachers during poster sessions.
Kind regards,
Bengt H. Sjölund, MD, DMSc
Professor of Rehabilitation, University of Southern Denmark,
Coeditor, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
JP Winslovs vej 9, 2nd floor
DK 5000 Odense, Denmark
Mobile +46 702 120457
NEW E-Mail: bsjolund@health.sdu.dk
- Type: Research